
Play Blasts, Rough, most recent and unfinished work.

Project List




Food Racers






















Project Type Studio Status Date Comment
1 Food Racers_chips_v001 anim done 13.06.23 Rigged and animated. 0 1
2 Food Racers_BurgerBoy_v001 anim wip 13.06.23 BurgerBoy! what a badass - rigged and animated 0 0
3 Food Racers_pizza_v001 anim done 13.06.23 Rigged and animated. 0 0
4 Food Racers_donut_v001 anim done 13.06.23 0 0
5 Food Racers_chippies_v001 anim done 13.06.23 0 0
6 Food Racers_previs_play_v001 previs incomplete 12.06.23 Previs / Experimental / rough. - rigged and animated 0 0
7 Tennisables_130-180_v001 anim wip 01.05.23 None 0 0
8 Tennisables_shot_230_v001 anim wip 01.05.23 None 0 0
9 Tennisables_shot_180_v001 anim wip 01.05.23 None 0 0
10 Tennisables_shot_140_v001 anim done 01.05.23 None 0 0
11 Tennisables_shot_130_v001 anim done 01.05.23 None 0 0
12 FastTrack_shot_140_v001 anim done 01.01.23 None 0 0
13 FastTrack_shot_180_v001 anim done 01.01.23 None 0 0
14 FastTrack_shot_190_v002 anim wip 01.01.23 None 0 0
15 FastTrack_shot_190_v001 anim wip 01.01.23 Too humanlike 0 0
16 Roblox_bmx_v002 anim done 03.03.22 Fairly challenging to animate, as flatland bmx has specific pivot points. 0 0
17 Roblox_bmx_v001 anim wip 03.03.22 None 0 0
18 Roblox_breakdance_v001 anim done 03.02.22 None 0 1
19 Roblox_parkour_edit_v001 previs wip 03.02.22 previs 0 0
20 Roblox_parkour_v001 anim done 03.02.22 experimental cameras for Roblox parkour anim 0 0
21 ShowReels_reel_2022_v002 anim done 01.02.22 Character / Creature animation reel as a animator / lead / animation supervisor. 0 0
22 ShowReels_reel_2022_v001 anim done 01.02.22 Character / Creature animation reel as a animator / lead / animation supervisor. 0 0
23 Randoms_Shark_penholder_v001 mod done 06.01.22 Shark Pen Holder, sculpted in blender, 3D printed, mold / cast, and painted. 0 0
24 aena_aena_car_v001 anim done 23.11.21 None 0 0
25 Randoms_test_v001 anim incomplete 15.06.21 Rough rig and animation of an old sculpt done in Blender, and playblast in Maya 0 0
26 Santam_robo_cycle_v002 anim wip 14.06.21 Robo normal walk vs Trot 0 0
27 Santam_robo_cycle_v001 anim done 14.06.21 None 0 0
28 Santam_doggo_v001 anim done 14.06.21 None 0 0
29 DeepBlueSea3_shot_163_v001 anim done 01.03.21 I really enjoyed animating this shot! 0 2
30 DeepBlueSea3_shot_157_v001 anim done 01.03.21 None 0 0
31 DeepBlueSea3_shot_86_v001 anim done 01.03.21 None 0 0
32 DeepBlueSea3_shot_220_v001 anim done 01.03.21 None 0 0
33 DeepBlueSea3_shot_099_v001 anim done 01.03.21 None 0 0
34 DeepBlueSea3_shot_340_v001 anim done 01.03.21 I Animated the shark and the container. 0 0
35 BetSoft_MQD_shot_040_v001 anim done 25.01.21 None 0 0
36 BetSoft_MQD_skellyCycles_v001 anim done 25.01.21 Rough walk cycles for a crowd sim. 0 0
37 Randoms_sadroboman_v001 mod incomplete 01.09.20 sculpt / view port capture 0 0
38 AirCanada_shot_060_v002 anim wip 14.06.20 None 0 0
39 AirCanada_shot_060_v001 anim wip 14.06.20 None 0 0
40 AirCanada_shot_140_v001 anim wip 14.06.20 None 0 0
41 AirCanada_shot_150_v001 anim wip 14.06.20 None 0 0
42 AirCanada_shot_030_v001 anim wip 14.06.20 None 0 0
43 BetSoft_jun_shot_125_v002 anim done 14.05.20 None 0 0
44 BetSoft_jun_shot_180_v001 anim done 14.05.20 None 0 0
45 SackBoy_clothing_sel_v001 anim done 14.05.20 SackBoy clothing selection, for mobile game. 0 0
46 SackBoy_fail_c_v001 anim done 14.05.20 SackBoy fail_c, for mobile game. 0 0
47 SackBoy_fail_b_v001 anim done 14.05.20 SackBoy fail_b, for mobile game. 0 0
48 SackBoy_fail_a_v001 anim done 14.05.20 SackBoy fail_a, for mobile game. 0 0
49 SackBoy_idle_v001 anim done 14.05.20 SackBoy idle, for mobile game. 0 0
50 Randoms_drone_stand_v001 anim incomplete 01.02.20 Drone stand ideas for 3D print, ended up building the one on the left. 1 0
51 BetSoft_Wuk_shot_030_v001 anim done 01.01.20 None 0 0
52 MonsterHunter_apceros_runcycle_v001 anim done 14.06.19 None 0 0
53 MonsterHunter_shot_100_v001 anim wip 14.06.19 None 0 0
54 MonsterHunter_shot_170_v001 anim done 14.06.19 None 0 0
55 MonsterHunter_runcycles_v001 anim done 14.06.19 Testing different speeds and apceros sizes. 0 0
56 SmashTheLabel_expl_sh02_v001 previs wip 13.06.19 explosion previs anim. 0 0
57 SmashTheLabel_expl_sh01_v001 previs wip 13.06.19 explosion previs anim. 0 0
58 SmashTheLabel_crypto_v001 mod done 13.06.19 None 0 0
59 SmashTheLabel_condoms_v001 mod done 13.06.19 None 0 0
60 SmashTheLabel_weights_v001 mod done 13.06.19 None 0 0
61 Nissan1400_nissan1400_v003 all done 13.06.19 None 0 0
62 Nissan1400_nissan1400_v002 all done 13.06.19 None 0 0
63 Nissan1400_nissan1400_v001 all done 13.06.19 None 0 0
64 Randoms_colt_rodeo_v001 mod incomplete 07.08.18 None 0 0
65 Randoms_el-camino_v002 mod incomplete 15.06.18 wireframe 0 0
66 Randoms_el-camino_v001 mod incomplete 15.06.18 None 0 0
67 NaturalChipCo_shot_050_v001 anim done 14.06.17 Modeled sign, Animated the possum and sign. 0 0
68 NaturalChipCo_sign_b_v001 mod done 14.06.17 None 0 0
69 NaturalChipCo_sign_a_v001 mod done 14.06.17 None 0 0
70 Cerabos_fan_v001 mod done 13.06.17 Modeled in Maya, Textured with Substance painter. 0 0
71 ShowReels_reel_2016_v001 all done 14.02.16 3D Generalist Reel - Responsible for everything. 0 0
72 MrBlockemz_googly_eyes_v001 all done 13.06.15 Created the MrBlockemz YouTube channel as a 3D Generalist. 0 0
73 MrBlockemz_zooperman_v001 all done 13.06.15 Created the MrBlockemz YouTube channel as a 3D Generalist. 0 0
74 MrBlockemz_teaser_v001 all done 13.06.15 Created the MrBlockemz YouTube channel as a 3D Generalist. 0 0
75 MrBlockemz_EggFight_v001 all done 13.06.15 Created the MrBlockemz YouTube channel as a 3D Generalist. 0 0
76 MrBlockemz_10hours_v001 all done 13.06.15 Created the MrBlockemz YouTube channel as a 3D Generalist. 0 0
77 MrBlockemz_delivery_v001 all done 13.06.15 Created the MrBlockemz YouTube channel as a 3D Generalist. 0 0
78 MrBlockemz_Hypixel_v001 all done 13.06.15 Freelance project for Hypixel. 0 0
79 MrBlockemz_Tei_v001 all done 13.06.15 Freelance job for ChooChoo gaming. 0 0
80 MrBlockemz_PixelmonGold_v001 all done 13.06.15 Created the MrBlockemz YouTube channel as a 3D Generalist. 0 0
81 Stikeez_Stikeez_v001 anim done 13.06.12 Stikeez commercial as a 3D Generalist. 0 0
82 codza_intro_logo_v001 all done 13.05.12 None 0 0
83 PEP_phone_v002 all done 13.06.11 None 0 0
84 PEP_phone_v001 all done 13.06.11 None 0 0
85 PEP_mobicel_v001 all done 13.06.11 None 0 0
86 PEP_toytruck_v001 mod done 13.06.11 None 0 0
87 PEP_glass_v001 mod done 13.06.11 None 0 0
88 PEP_stationary_v001 all done 13.06.11 Model, Texture, Lighting and Rendering. 0 0
89 PEP_bicycle_v001 all done 13.06.11 Model, Texture, Lighting and Rendering. 0 1


Project Task Studio Status